In order to preserve an efficient ecological corridor, the first priority is to ensure that new human infrastructure does not break-up its continuity. Secondly, it is important to remove existing barriers or bottlenecks that can hinder the movements of animals or the spread of plant communities. In order to protect the ecological corridor between the StradaTicino River Park and Campo dei Fiori Park, the LIFE-TIB project will implement defragmentation measures, removing or mitigating the barriers and bottlenecks affecting the corridor. At the same time, it will improve habitat quality for priority species, those of highest conservation importance and those most threatened by fragmentation, and which already show distribution and dispersal problems. The project area, between the Ticino River Park and the Campo dei Fiori Park, is the weakest link in the entire Alps-Po Plain corridor. For this reason, conservation and the improvement of connectivity are priorities at the European Community level. It is possible that since the ecological corridor in question runs from north to south, it will become a key element to help biodiversity adapt to climate change, an increasingly pressing problem that forces many species to rapidly displace in search of suitable habitat.

• The project area, between the Ticino River Park and the Campo dei Fiori Park, is the weakest link in the entire Alps-Po Plain corridor.
web site by Marco Tessaro